
German Drug Policy
I support  MyBrainMyChoice and am a member of Akzept e.V., two organizations which aim to establish a science-based and compassionate German drug policy.

Harm Reduction Services
I regularly volunteer for a psy-care organization. In that role I provide harm reduction services and support with difficult states of altered consciousness for people at parties and festivals.

Death Penalty
I am strongly opposed to the death penalty, as I believe it is an inhumane, inefficient, and unethical punishment which has no place in modern society.  As part of my opposition I volunteer as a pen pal for death row inmates in the USA (https://www.initiative-gegen-die-todesstrafe.de/brieffreundschaften/).

Sport: I am a front-row forward in the local Rugby Union team and have competed in several Powerlifting and Strongman competitions.
Movies: I watch, rate and review movies nearly every week. My current favorites: Incendies, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Titane, Mad Max: Fury Road
Currently reading:   Bruce Wagner - I'll let you go & Cecilia Heyes - Cognitive Gadgets
Meditation: I'm interested in and (sparingly) engage with buddhist meditation -  http://aromeditation.org/